How It Works
Touching on every aspect of well-being — from movement to mental health — our extensive selection of expert-led, award-winning services are designed to support you in beginning or deepening a lasting wellness journey.
Work with a knowledgeable Wellness Guide to create a tailored itinerary.
Building Muscle
Continuous Glucose Monitor Follow-Up & Education
Diet ScoreNew
Digestive Wellness
Fastest Meals Imaginable
Fueling for Longevity
Fueling Your Performance
Hydration TestingNew
Mood & Food
Personalized Nutrition Consultation
Strategies for Raising Nutritious EatersNew
Fuel your health and performance with personalized guidance from licensed nutritionists at our New England wellness resort. Get integrative insights and tailored plans to sustain your well-being and transform your relationship with food long after your stay.

Mood & Food

This joint therapy-and-nutrition counseling service combines expertise to help you understand your current eating pattern and the best options for healthy, sustainable change.
Part I (50 minutes) – A licensed therapist helps you explore the emotional dynamics underlying your approach to food. Learn practical skills to transform the cycle of triggers, compulsions, and guilt about eating into a balanced experience of peaceful anticipation, mindfulness, and satisfaction.
Part II (50 minutes) – A licensed dietitian/nutritionist assesses your diet and recommends ways to optimize your nutrient intake and transition to a more mindful, balanced diet. You can discuss healthy weight, meal timing, emotional eating triggers, relationship with food, and the role of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.