How It Works
Touching on every aspect of well-being — from movement to mental health — our extensive selection of expert-led, award-winning services are designed to support you in beginning or deepening a lasting wellness journey.
Work with a knowledgeable Wellness Guide to create a tailored itinerary.
Alchemical HealingNew
Emotional Stress Release
Healing Energy
Healing Energy With Aromatherapy
Heart Connection HealingNew
Optimize HealingNew
Healing energy therapies at our New England resort spa adjust, unblock, and restore your natural flow for alignment and balance across mind, body, and spirit.


Reiki promotes energy healing through methods rooted in Eastern spiritual tradition. Your massage therapist gently places his or her hands over your head, chest, abdomen, and back, producing a calming effect. You may experience decreased anxiety and fatigue, and improved circulation, concentration, and sleep quality.