Stay 2+ days and enjoy special activities all weekend.
Long, dark nights. Minimal sunlight. Chilly winter weather. What if we told you these were all actually sources of healing?
Embrace the beautiful winter landscape of New England at our Berkshires destination as Rosie Dalton shares practical insights on utilizing seasonal cues for deep cellular restoration. Learn the power of the body's ability to heal itself.
Join us this February during our Nordic Winterland experience and explore your inner reserves of wisdom and rejuvenation.
In addition to this event, you can enjoy all of the daily activities that Lenox, MA offers. Explore our sample schedule.
This restorative wellness retreat is for anyone interested in creating a winter health routine using your body's natural rhythms.
Hear from Rosie about how to adapt to the cold, build melatonin, create an optimized sleep environment, shift your mindset, and use light signaling for healing.
Rosie Dalton is an avid biohacking researcher, studying the most innovative methods and techniques. She first began by taking control of her own biology and health and now shares her knowledge with others.
Rosie is a Martha Beck-certified life coach, hypnotherapist, artist, writer, and energy medicine practitioner. She has appeared on The New Ricki Lake Show, and an ABC docuseries with her sister, Maureen Hancock. Rosie has been featured in several print publications and on podcasts.
She hosts life-changing workshops on grief, biohacking, midlife and menopause, art therapy, and circadian rhythm throughout the country. She resides in the coastal New England town of Marblehead with her husband, David.
Monday, February 10
5 p.m. The Body Beautiful with Rosie Dalton Honor the innate intelligence of your body, which holds wisdom and the power to improve your health exponentially during the winter months. With Rosie, learn about circadian rhythm living, cold-adapting and mitochondrial repair during sleep.
Tuesday, February 11
6 p.m The Light Up Story with Rosie Dalton The number one healing method available in winter, is light. Rosie shares insights for using light to-sync up the circadian clocks in your eyes to nature, understand how to mitigate artificial light and screens to improve mood and eye health.
Wednesday, February 12
10 a.m. Ease & Healing: Creating Sanctuary Stress can be harmful to your health, but winter can be your ally. With Rosie Dalton, learn to soothe your nervous system, ease your mind and emotions, and to create space in your life to deeply relax, dream and establish a peaceful way of being.