Sunday, Apr 20
1:30 p.m.– 3:30 p.m. Tech-Free Hike: Level 1
Varies each week. Please visit the Outdoor Sports Board for exact duration and additional details. Sign up: CR App or with a Wellness Guide, Ext. 55423.
4 p.m. Neuroscience Of Addiction
Join me to explore the realities of technology addiction; how and why it can easily become an addiction, as well as ways to begin to rewire your brain and re balance your life.
5 p.m. Indoor Labyrinth Walk
Join a spiritual wellness provider for an introduction to the labyrinth as a powerful meditation tool.
Monday, Apr 21
8 a.m.– 9 a.m. Mindful Breakfast with Robbie Bogard
Learn how intention and gratitude can help you fully enjoy your food and leave the table satisfied. Enjoy a delicious meal while you are led through the healthful practice of mindful eating.
10 a.m.–12 p.m. Shinrin Yoku
Experience the Japanese practice of taking in the forest atmosphere or "forest bathing." Join your guide on a slow, intentional walk into the woods to de-stress and reconnect with nature. Sign up: CR App or with a Wellness Guide, Ext. 55423
3 p.m. –4 p.m. Self-Compassion Is Your Superpower
Ready to create meaningful change, improve your relationships and enhance your well-being? Explore the power of self-compassion, the science behind it and how to make it part of your everyday life.
5 p.m.– 5:30 p.m. Meditation
Learn techniques to help reduce stress, increase mindfulness, calm your mind and help your body relax.
6:30 p.m.– 8 p.m. 3 World’s of Soul Experience
In Mystic and Shamanic practices, the soul can experience through three levels of consciousness. Explore these unique spaces in a Soul Journey and discover inner resources for personal growth. Sign Up: CR App or with a Wellness Guide, Ext. 55423
Tuesday, Apr 22
9 a.m.– 9:30 a.m. Pranayama Breathing
Every cell in our bodies needs oxygen to function properly. Join us in this engaged breathing practice that can decrease the effects of stress on the body and increase overall physical and mental wellbeing.
10 a.m. Design a Plan to Unplug
Prioritize mental health, focus, creativity, and deeper human connection by learning to develop a balanced lifestyle in the offline world. Design your personal unplugging plan with tools and tips from a mental health and wellness therapist.
12 p.m.– 1 p.m. Restorative Aerial Yoga & Sound Healing $
Experience supported & suspended restorative yoga postures with the vibrational healing from sound instruments. The practice assists in slowing your body and reduce physical & emotional stress. | Sign up: CR App or with a Wellness Guide, Ext 55423
1:30 p.m.– 3:30 p.m. Tai Chi Walk
Enjoy a simple lesson in tai chi during this off-property walk. Sign up: CR App or with a Wellness Guide, Ext. 55423
5 p.m. Reestablishing The Connection
The quality of your relationships has a profound effect on your well-being. A life management therapist explores ways to enhance the vitality of your connection with friends, family and yourself.
Wednesday, Apr 23
9 a.m. Spirituality & The Brain
Explore the active role of the brain in divine experience with spiritual wellness provider Dan Marko, and learn exercises for body, brain and spiritual health
10 a.m.– 11:30 a.m. Mindfulness Meditation Workshop
Learn how to use mindfulness practices/meditation to enhance your peace of mind. This experiential workshop will give you practical tools and help you create a personal plan for reducing stress in your everyday life.
2 p.m.– 3:30 p.m. Camp Archery Workshop $
Improve your archery skills at this semi-private archery session. Join us at our range, use a sight to fine-tune your shot. Sign up: CR App or with a Wellness Guide, Ext. 55423.
4 p.m. Restorative Yoga
Experience deep relaxation for healing and rejuvenation. Bolsters and props are used in gentle, supported poses. No shoes
5 p.m. Creativity & Dreams
Spiritual wellness provider, Holly Benzenhafer offers tips and techniques to playfully and meaningfully engage with your dreaming life. Bring a dream you would like to explore with greater depth, reflection, and perspective
6:30 p.m.– 8 p.m. Watercolor Painting
Thursday, Apr 24
9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Tech-Free Hike: Level 2
Varies each week. Please visit the Outdoor Sports Board for exact duration and additional details. Sign up: CR App or with a Wellness Guide, Ext. 55423.
12 p.m. Lunch & Learn; Mindful Eating
A mental health therapist leads you through the practice of mindful eating, while our demonstration chef prepares a delicious meal featuring gut-friendly fermented foods. With intention and appreciation, fully experience the pleasure of food