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a hand holding a yellow flower
Oct 25 - 27, 2024

Optimizing Optimism

Cultivate Joy With Laura Cooke
a hand holding a yellow flower

Join us for a transformative experience this autumn at our scenic wellness resort in the Berkshires as we welcome back guest speaker Laura Cooke, a walking ray of sunshine and constant source of joy.

Laura brings a realistic blend of grounded guidance and hopeful optimism to this retreat at Lenox, making her an inspiration for anyone looking to boost their current sense of optimism or maintain momentum to thrive.

Discard negative thinking patterns and embrace a future filled with optimism. Consider this inspiring event your crash course in positive psychology, from resilience to reframing your thinking and beyond.

Don't miss this opportunity to take the first step toward a happier, healthier you.

In addition to this event, you can enjoy all of the daily activities that Lenox, MA offers. Explore our sample schedule.