Thursday, February 20
2 pm Sacral Hip Opening
Practice a Hip opening sequence while diving deeper into the sacral chakra.
3 pm Creating Sacred Space with Jo Ann Levitt
Join Healing Energy and Metaphysical practitioner, Jo Ann Levitt in this meditation on sanctuary and consider how we create a place of peace and inner connection.
5 pm Soulful Meditation and Intuitive Painting ($140)
Artist and Metaphysical practitioner, Cassandra Body will lead you on a shamanic-style guided meditation followed by a deeply insightful integrated art practice. No art experience necessary.
Friday, February 21
10 am Soul as Sanctuary ($140)
Nurture a contemplative practice of learning to listen to the language of your soul, the images, archetypes and energies that communicate your values, insights and desires. Lisa, Avnet, Healing Energy practitioner, will guide you in meditation, self-reflective writing and conversation. Take home a gift valued at $150.
1 pm Mixed Emotions: Making Peace with Yourself
We often attempt to avoid difficult emotions. Discuss how to widen your tolerance for your emotional experience and gain practical tools for navigating those emotions.
2 pm Soul Evolution in Your Personal Astrology
Discuss the moon’s nodes and receive a mini reading around these special astrological points that illuminate your soul’s evolutionary path. Come with your birthdate, place and time of birth.
4 pm What is Spiritual Wellness
Join a Spiritual Wellness expert as they provide an overview of the CR Spiritual Wellness philosophy and the services we offer.
5 pm Meditation
Learn techniques to help reduce stress, increase mindfulness, calm your mind and help your body relax.
Saturday, February 22
9 am Contemplation & Healing
A spiritual wellness provider explores how changing the way you “see” through contemplative spiritual practice can foster greater wholeness and inner peace.
10 am Home as Sanctuary ($140)
Nurture your home as a safe haven and place of sanctuary. Learn to be a caretaker of your home’s energy, creating protection, and inviting high vibrational energies of joy, calm and love Take home gift valued at $150.
12 pm Tarot Demonstration
A metaphysical practitioner shares the power of tarot cards with brief reading and demonstration for everyone. Do you have a question you’d like to gain some perspective about? Ask the tarot!
2 pm Body as Sanctuary ($140)
Create a healing and nurturing relationship with your body. Jo Ann Levitt, Healing Energy Practitioner, will lead you through a self-care ritual and practices designed for grounding your energy field, balancing your body and restoring your spirit. Take home a gift valued at $150.
4 pm Restorative Yoga
Experience deep relaxation for healing and rejuvenation. Bolsters and props are used in gentle, supported poses. No shoes.
5 pm Meditation
Learn techniques to help reduce stress, increase mindfulness, calm your mind and help your body relax.
7 pm Embodied Movement as a Sanctuary
A restorative and rejuvenating experience of fluid movement to assist your “bodymind” in integrating the experiences of the day. Tune in to your body and move from the inner impulses that direct your energy where it needs to go.
Sunday, February 23
8 am Pranayama Breathing
Every cell in our bodies needs oxygen to function properly. Join us in this engaged breathing practice that can decrease the effects of stress on the body and increase overall physical and mental wellbeing.
10am Creating Rituals that Evoke Sanctuary
No matter how you imagine your Sanctuary, join Metaphysical practitioners Trish Barlow and Jo Ann Levitt and immerse yourself in magical, nurturing practices where you will discover the most sacred, soul-satisfying ways to support your own life when you return home.
2 pm Activate Your Chakras, Empower Your Life
Chakras are the energetic blueprint for life. They shape strengths, challenges, and actions at every level: physical, emotional, and spiritual. Learn to activate your Chakras with guided meditations.
4 pm Restorative Yoga
Experience deep relaxation for healing and rejuvenation. Bolsters and props are used in gentle, supported poses. No shoes.
5 pm Meditation
Learn techniques to help reduce stress, increase mindfulness, calm your mind and help your body relax.