Upcoming Events
At the heart of our Michelin award-winning resort experience is our empowering, expert-led events.
Discover what resonates with you and gain fresh perspectives on physical, spiritual, and mental wellness.
How to Lower Your Risk of Alzheimer's
Canyon Ranch and Women’s Alzheimer’s Movement (WAM), founded by Maria Shriver, are proud to present How to Lower Your Risk of Alzheimer's, with Dr. Anna Burke, Dr. Richard Carmona, and Dr. Roberta Diaz Brinton, plus a team of Canyon Ranch experts.
With a mutual mission for preventative care that enables living a well way of life, Canyon Ranch and WAM have come together to deliver an integrative approach to aging with grace and grit.
Join us for this immersive five-day brain health-focused retreat at Canyon Ranch Tucson, featuring leading medical experts in the field of neurodegenerative diseases who will share their latest research on how these diseases impact women as they age. Along with presentations from WAM, Canyon Ranch wellness professionals in medicine, nutrition, fitness, and spirituality will deliver presentations to broaden the discussions around lifestyle changes that can decrease the impact of degenerative disease outcomes.
Hear presentations that explore how your lifestyle—from the meals you eat to the work you do—can impact how your brain functions at each stage of life, take a deeper dive into systems biology that include sex differences in mechanisms underlying Alzheimer’s; and understand the repair mechanisms required to regenerate the brain of those living with degenerative disease.
In addition to this event, you can enjoy all of the daily activities that Tucson, AZ offers. Explore our sample schedule.