Friday, March 21
8 - 11 a.m. Check-in and Property Tour
A Canyon Ranch staff member will show you our dining, spa, fitness, outdoor sports, health and wellness facilities, and more.
Noon Lunch and Learn
Enjoy a nutritious and balanced lunch, soup of the day, salad bar and dessert, while learning how to prepare the entrée.
2 p.m. CR Water Workout
Combine aerobic conditioning and muscular endurance work in the pool.
3 p.m. Yoga Foundations
This beginner class focuses on alignment in basic postures from a standing, kneeling and supine position with emphasis on yogic breathing.
5:30 p.m. Community Table
Well-being extends beyond individual practices to the connections we make with others. Our Community Table is a space where guests can come together, share nourishing meals, and cultivate a sense of community for those on a weight loss journey.
Saturday, March 22
7 a.m. Morning Walk
This walk is on relatively flat terrain that will accommodate all paces up to 15 minutes per mile, equivalent to 4 mph on a treadmill. Please bring your water bottle.
10 a.m. Personalized Nutrition
Join a nutritionist and begin to understand how your personal lifestyle dictates what foods and supplements will help you obtain optimal health.
11 a.m. New Approaches to Weight Loss
By normalizing your metabolic response to food, you can improve your weight and decrease your risk for disease. Discover current scientific research to guide you to a healthy weight.
2 p.m. Good Vibrations
Awaken your muscles, improve joint mobility, balance asymmetrics in your body, and facilitate whole body integration using a combination of vibration with Theragun massage tools and classic foam rolling.
3 p.m. Overcoming Fitness Setbacks
Join a Sports Medicine Specialist to discover how to overcome obstacles, seek the care you need, and get back on track.
4 p.m. Stretch & Relaxation
Promotes flexibility and breathing and relaxes tense muscles.
Sunday, March23
7 a.m. Morning Walk
This walk is on relatively flat terrain that will accommodate all paces up to 15 minutes per mile, equivalent to 4 mph on a treadmill. Please bring your water bottle.
9 a.m. Chinese Medicine for Digestion & Metabolism
Delve into how Chinese Medicine intertwines physical, emotional, and energetic elements as we recognize digestion and metabolism as a holistic experience.
11 a.m. Zumba
Feel the energy and move your body to fun and easy-to-follow Latin rhythms.
1 p.m. The Science of Weight Loss
A performance scientist will take a scientific look at metabolism and weight loss. Bring your questions and watch some weight-loss myths get blown out of the water.
3 p.m. Body Spirit Connection
A Spiritual Wellness expert discusses how integrative wellness empowers us to honor the wisdom of mind, body, and spirit. Explore evidence-based practices like self-compassion, mindfulness, and hope.
4 p.m. Stretch & Relaxation
Promotes flexibility and breathing and relaxes tense muscles.