How It Works
Touching on every aspect of well-being — from movement to mental health — our extensive selection of expert-led, award-winning services are designed to support you in beginning or deepening a lasting wellness journey.
Work with a knowledgeable Wellness Guide to create a tailored itinerary.
Angel Card Reading
Clairvoyant Reading
Crystal Energy
Developing Your Sixth Sense
Handwriting Analysis
Tarot Card Reading
Vedic Astrology
Vedic Palmistry
Vortex Experience Guided Walk
Explore new routes to self-awareness and spirituality at Canyon Ranch Tucson, where gifted practitioners help you discover personal insight through a variety of intuitive readings and experiences amid the serene beauty of Arizona’s Sonoran Desert.


An Astrocartography reading uses Astrology to locate good places to visit, vacation, start a business, or live. By placing your Astrology chart over a world map, an expert intuits locations that will prove most beneficial for you. How is this done? There will be good or productive lines represented by certain planets (ex. Jupiter or Venus). Lines that aren’t as supportive could be represented by Pluto or Saturn. If there are no planetary lines, it will mean that area is neutral. Leave with a detailed list of potential areas to explore!